Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Toddler DaZe

I cannot lie. I am trying not to count(ing) the days until the diapers and tantrums are gone and life has some normalcy. That is, if it still exists after becoming parent! It's just that I get so tired of saying NO ... to the same action 3x... 10x a day! Ok, so Im exaggerating - but this is my blog and I'm allowed to! I know what some of you might be thinking - spank 'em right? I do. Sometimes more, sometimes less .. (note to self .. find a new wooden spoon, my hand hurts).

Down here at the Cottage I'm more sensitive. I just know there is a neighbor around to the next cove, or maybe even across the water way, that can hear (what seems to be constant) scolding, yelling and sometimes near pleading with the girls to BEHAVE. Afterall .. a perfect sheet of water is the perfect serving platter for caring voices to great distances.

Sophie is 2-1/2 yrs old .. so I'm guessing I have nearly 2 more years of this. (note to self.. you best find a self help book sooner than later!) Will it get easier... or will I just mellow out?! or better yet, will I find an unlimited supply of patience hiding under the mountain of toys that are put away each and every day? :) To some degree, as Sophie gets older and tries more to be like Caroline - it gets easier. They play together more, in turn they fight more. Caroline is getting so smart and is becoming quite the helper, in turn she is trying to perfect a silly whimper or cry when she doesn't get her way. So ok ... I get it.. it won't ever get easier will it? doh. As the old saying goes.. if there is any one thing that is constant, it's change!

But as I said .. I think/hope/pray that I will be a better mom to the girl's as they get older. I dream of the days of taking them to the State Parks for a hike, visit the numerous museums and such throughout this great city we live in, or to simply shop for the perfectly cute outfit for a special occasion. For now, this is a dream and glimpse into our future. Yes.. I know some parents do not skip a beat and do all those things with babies/toddlers. But in my world, it's just not worth the price. Tantrums in public and the irritability of poor naps is just not the cup of tea I wish to experience in public.

Today I shall concentrate on the (many!) good things the girls are to me. I cannot lie. My life would be empty without their spunky smiles. This week I am spending the whole week alone with them at the cottage... it's girls week :) Tomorrow soon I shall blog about all the blessings they offer and bring to this crazy world of ours.

Friday, August 21, 2009

1st Haircuts ... professionallY!

So after the dirty looks I got from cutting off Caroline's curls earlier this year, I broke down and brought the girl's to professional for a "real" haircut. And other than bangs being cut and then Caroline's mischievous moment of cutting off a few of Sophie's curls a few months back - this was Sophie's first haircut! The salon was cute .. chairs made to feel like cars and tv's directly in front of each chair to capture their attention. Spoiled kids are nowadays aren't they?

The stylish was great and the girl's were on their best behavior! (note to self.. I seem to be doing something right! haha) She gave both of the girls braids ... turning them into perfect little girls. And what is it that is so cute about seeing short bangs? Just me? Silly... but I think it is adorable. Now if I could only make 'em look that good at home!

Sophie's turn .. look at this head of hair! Granted she has a pony tail in and this was the after effects! I gave strong direction to the stylist to cut as much as she had to.. WITHOUT cutting off all the curls. I wonder if those close to me have forgiven me for cutting off Caroline's... haha Her hair just grew in thicker ... with nothing but a wave.
Leaving the salon ... my gorgeous girls are growing up. Finally got one of Sophie's pirate faces on film!
Caroline showing off her purist look of them all *S* I'm pretty sure they don't make 'em any cuter than this!

Sophie... an impossibility to get her to look and smile at a camera.Sophie sporting her new doo while cruising the culdasac in her (fairly) new ride.