Monday, January 19, 2009

MondayZ Memorable MomentZ 1/19

This past week was a rough one to say the least... so my memorable moments feel weak. I hope to have a better outlook and spirit this week. So.. the moments I'm going to share are all about the videos!
  • On 1/15, Caroline said "I love Sisu" for the first time while playing/petting her. What's up with that timing?! She has never even said she loves mommy or daddy!
  • Ace of Fakes is Sophie's new nickname! Everyday I'm amazed at how well she pulls off a fit to get her way. This picture taken of her at the landing 1/3 the way down... it is what she does IF we do not carry her down the stars. Note: crocodile tears!
  • I have mentioned Caroline's bedtime ritual .. tonight I managed to catch it on video! She was AWFULLY tired - so there is some drama and even possessed behavior, but nonetheless it's cute or funny at the least!

  • Here is Sophie .. I did not even realize she knew what a high five was! Caroline coaxed her - take note to Caroline's last comment rewarding her with ice cream! hehe
  • And again... Sophie displaying her amazing ability to let you know how she REALLY feels! Hey.. if you understand this language, drop me a line, would ya?
  • And... again.. Sophie takes the prize for the most caught on tape moments! Here.. she is so bored she is blowing bubbles with he mouth/spit! LOL Bad quality video, sorry.. its from my cell phone - all we got these days!

So that's all I got... boy I'm glad it's a new week. But I must say... I'm optimistic becuz my girls are getting older so surly this week will deliver even better drama than last!


ParentingPink said...

Too funny! My three year old still insists that I carry her up the stairs or else she cries. I thought it was a "middle child" thing, but apparently not :-) Hope this week is a good one for you!

Rebecca said...

Too cute!

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