Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Strawberry Farm!

One (of many) great reasons to live in the south is that strawberry season starts in April!! This year I FINALLY decided to go pick some. No exaggeration, I bet it's been near 15++ years since I picked my own. And while Washington Farms ( in Loganville, Georgia, is more modern than the days back when, it sure did bring back the memories! Maybe time has warped reality .. but it felt like hours on end of picking strawberries with my mother! And that seemed to be the easy part once we got home and had to spend an entire day cleaning them! My mother was such an incredible homemaker in her day ... funny how those "chores" are now fond memories *heartful smile*

So we picked four buckets in about 45 minutes, with no help from the girls! The berries were big and delicious! I was thankful that Scott decided to go with us because my fear became true - they were running around more than helping! Nonetheless ... good memories created with the girls :)

Now, its my turn to teach my girls (and husband!! hehe) how to take care of home, cook, clean... including berries! There is nothing sweeter than homemade strawberry jam!!! Especially mid-winter! We made 1 batch of freezer and 1 batch canned .... the rest I froze for smoothies (the hottest mid morning snack in our house!). I am thinking about going back and gettin 1-2 more buckets to make more to give to my clients :)

1 comment:

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Strawberry season is getting ready to start here in NJ. We LOVE fresh strawberries. J will eat almost a whole quart on the drive back from the strawberry farm, lol. This year my plan was to try and make strawberry jam. I have never tried it. Any tips or recipes? I would appreciate either.