Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Imagination at Play

Sharing some photos of a fun outing with the girls today.

Just this morning we went to a new facility that is called Imagination at Play up in Buford. It was incredible! Caroline and Sophie bounced around from each of the play areas exploring every inch, taking no breaks for even a snack! Stations consisted of Grocery area, paint/coloring, grill station, play sand box, music, costumes/stage, baby toy area, vet office, water/bubbles and trains! It costs $9/child which is a little high, but the girls LOVED it! I am going to plan to take them every few weeks for a treat. While it was non-stop .. even Mom had fun!!! xo

If you have never been - here is a coupon for $2off ! If anyone wants to join me later next month- let me know! Not that we would actually be able to talk or anything....

1 comment:

Danielle said...

wow this place looks awesome!!! we have to go with you sometime!!!

miss u!