Pictures of the girls' tonight after sauna... wearing their new PJ's from Godmother Stacy on Valentine's Day.
Speaking of Valentine's Day... I hope everyone had a wonderful Hallmark day! My husband showed his true love and creativity in his presentation of a present this year! He claims he used the good ole duck tape because he wrapped it while I was sleeping on Vday morning... humf. I was not terribly impressed - April Fool's yes, Valentine's Day? NO! lol

And inside.... a very cute necklace :) It matches the tattoo I have on my hip .. back when I got certified in scuba. I do love it ... thanks honey! xo
So the Daytona was a disappointment this year I should be excited since I won in the pool we had, but there is just something that sux about the winner being called because of rain. It's like the Super Bowl ending ending after 3rd quarter. It's just wrong!
So .. I am looking forward to the season ahead! Maybe this year I will actually get to go to a race again! I am wayyy overdue! Go HENDRICK's MOTORSPORTS! Jeff and Jimmy are my boys..
I am glad you went with the short cut, it is cute in the other new pics.
I love the pics of the girls...they are so beautiful!! I sure wish I had your sauna right about now :( So sorry we missed Sunday but hopefully we will be able to get to come next time!! I do think that a family dinner/get together is in order though don't you?? Let's plan it!!
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