Sunday, November 23, 2008

Am I cool now?!

So with some extra time on my hands I'm learning, exploring and having fun with new programs available on the internet. I think I might be cool now that I am up to speed, or maybe at least ignorantly knowledgable, with FACEBOOK, Twitter and now Blogger!
FACEBOOK is still rather confusing and I really havent had the time to spend hours to figure out all the applications, forums and entertainment sources available. If you have it and would like to look me up, just search my full name - Becky Sue Becker.
Twitter seems pretty cool, but it's no fun until I get more family/friends involved. It's really a text messaging system of sort, but it can be set up to be sent/received directly on your mobile phone (or just viewed on the web). It's very easy.... how about checking it out and join me?! is my site!
Blogger... well here we are now. I am going to make an attempt to share news, big and small with family - I hope you enjoy hearing/reading about our lives!

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